Founding Member
$ 2,500
- With this donation, your company’s logo will appear as a founding member of the organization for one year on our website, with a direct link to your company’s webpage
- Scholarship under your name
- Honorable mention at our Tribute to Hispanic Women 2018
- An institutional video showcasing your company on the foundation’s website and a three-minute video with your personal reasons why you invested in the Latin WE Foundation.
- Honorable mention of your company on the Latin WE Foundation’s social media outlets as a founding member
- Your company’s logo and information on all printed flyers, banners, and publicity inside of Solo Mujeres Magazine for 1 year.
- Special guest speaker invitation at the first Education and Leadership Session with our members.
- A banner of your company during the Tribute to Hispanic Women 2018
- Participation as board member to the Latin WE Foundation
- Two tables as vendors at any of our events throughout 2017-2018.
Supporting Member
- Your logo as a member posted on the Latin WE Foundation website for one year with a link to your page
- Scholarship under your name
- Honorable mention during the Tribute to Hispanic Women 2018
- A three-minute video with your reasons for donating to the foundation on posted on the website
- Your company’s logo and information on all printed flyers, banners, and publicity inside of Solo Mujeres Magazine
- Honorable mentions on the foundation’s social media outlets as a Supporting Member of the Latin WE Foundation
- Special guest speaker invitation at the first Education and Leadership Session with our members. (Except the first session which is only for Founding members)
- A banner of your company during the Tribute to Hispanic Women 2018
- Participation as advisor to the Latin WE Foundation
- A table as a vendor at any of our events throughout 2017-2018
Madrina Member
- Mention on the website as Madrina for six months
- Honorable mentions on the Latin WE Foundation’s social media outlets as a Madrina member of the foundation
- Mention as a Madrina during the Tribute to Hispanic Women 2018
- Opportunity to share your testimony and life story in any of our education and leadership seminars, excluding the first session
Mano Amiga Member
Between $100 - $400
- Mention on the website as Mano Amiga for three months
- Honorable mentions on the foundation’s social media outlets as a Mano Amiga member of the foundation
- Mention as a Mano Amiga during the Tribute to Hispanic Women 2018
Comadre Member
Between $ 10 - $90